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How’s My Property Doing?

Posted by on Jan 18, 2013 in PROPERTY MANAGEMENT | 0 comments

Property Owner Contact InformationFirst Name *NombreLast Name *ApellidoPhone Number *Numero de TeléfonoEmailCorreo electrónicoProperty InformationAddress of Property in Question *Dirección de la propiedad en cuestión Address Address Line 2 City State / Prov

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Request An Appointment

Request An Appointment

Posted by on Dec 28, 2012 in CONTACT, PROPERTY MANAGEMENT | 0 comments

Request an Appointment | Solicitar una CitaFull NameNombre:Phone *Numero de Teléfono:Email *Correo ElectrónicoRequest | SolicitudRequest an appointment with a CASA123 agent to further help you.Solicitar una cita con un agente CASA123 para ayudarle aún más.Requesting Help onSolicitando Ayuda en Renting a Home | Alquilar una Casa Buying a Home |

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Solicitud de Mantenimiento

Solicitud de Mantenimiento

Posted by on Dec 28, 2012 in PROPERTY MANAGEMENT | 0 comments

Por favor díganos cuál es el problema … Por favor, utilice este formulario para presentar una solicitud de mantenimiento de su propiedad. Nosotros haremos todo lo posible para que una persona de mantenimiento sea disponible en menos de 24 horas. Usted debe recibir un correo electrónico confirmando la recepción de su solicitud en breve. Por favor,...

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Maintenance Requests

Posted by on Dec 21, 2012 in PROPERTY MANAGEMENT | 0 comments

Please Tell Us What The Issue Is… Please use this form to submit a maintenance request for your property.We will make every effort to have a maintenance person available in less than 24 hours. You should be receiving an email confirming we received your request shortly. Please try to be as specific as possible about the issue that needs to be...

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